Advanced Methanol Amsterdam project has been awarded the SDE++ subsidy by the Dutch government

Strong economic support for GIDARA Energy’s Advanced Methanol Amsterdam (AMA) enterprise

We are thrilled to announce that our AMA project has been awarded the SDE++ subsidy by the Dutch government, a significant step forward in promoting sustainable solutions for advanced future fuels.

The SDE++ subsidy has a maximum value of ca. 400 million Euro and is released in case the green premium or bioticket price drops significantly during the first 15-years of AMA’s biomethanol production. This effectively secures a floor price for our product.

We were granted the SDE++ subsidy since AMA aligns with the forward-thinking goals of the energy transition and sustainability targets of The Netherlands. This recognition underscores the pivotal role AMA plays in contributing to the advanced renewable fuels agenda.

While we celebrate this milestone, we acknowledge that there’s still work to be done. Our journey towards making AMA a reality is ongoing and this subsidy fuels our commitment to driving positive change.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey. A special thanks also to Mark Strootman from Subsidia for the support and guidance in the process of achieving this SDE++ grant. Let’s continue pushing boundaries and making strides towards a more sustainable future!