What kind of waste do we use?

Our HTW® technology allows us to use a variety of waste as feedstock for conversion to clean and valuable products. Among others, we can utilize waste wood, waste paper, non-recyclable plastics, agricultural waste, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and even sewage sludge.

“Sustainable Feedstock”

The term ‘non-recyclable waste’ is an important driver for GIDARA Energy. For our first project in Amsterdam, we will only utilize feedstock that can’t be economically recycled (RDF and non-recyclable B-type waste wood), currently being utilized for incineration. By converting this feedstock to syngas as an important chemical building block, the material takes an important step upwards on the waste hierarchy ladder; true sustainable feedstock.

“Today’s waste is not the same as tomorrow’s waste.”

Today’s waste is not the same as tomorrow’s waste and Spanish waste isn’t the same as Dutch waste. In our AMA facility, we are building a Center of Excellence, including a Pilot Plant and laboratory, where we continue to test different feedstocks making GIDARA Energy ready for future challenges.

We have set our a goal to reduce the world’s carbon footprint and create more sustainable fuels. Our first plant will be built in the Port of Amsterdam, where around 80% of the local waste is recycled. We will use the remaining 20% that is normally being incinerated.

Worldwide issue

Globally, the recycling average is just 13%. That means 87% of global waste is currently either landfilled, composted or incinerated. We see our first facility Advanced Methanol Amsterdam as a blueprint facility to be replicated in other locations and countries around the world. We’re confident that our technology will benefit not only the world’s carbon footprint, but will also help reducing the global waste issue we’re all facing.


For more information about our AMA plant, please visit our website here: AdvancedMethanol.com 
For more information about our different feedstocks, please visit Feedstocks